Roland DGA has announced the addition of Holographic Prism Film (ESM-HOLO) to its existing family of premium media offerings. The high-quality, 6 mil holographic prismatic film featuring a permanent adhesive, ESM-HOLO, is a multi-purpose media that’s durable and easy to apply.
“This glossy, eye-catching film is unbeatable for creating announcements for special occasions, holiday décor, commemorative stickers, or unique labels and packaging with an upscale look,” said Roland DGA Senior Product Manager Lily Hunter. “With the holiday season just around the corner, we expect to see significant demand for this new media, as it’s great for enhancing gifts and packages.”
Because ESM-HOLO has outstanding durability, it can be used without lamination. Those who want additional protection, however, can use this film in combination with Roland DGA’s GuardLam gloss overlaminate film (ESM-GLGF).
ESM-HOLO is available in a 15″ x 75′ roll size designed for use with the VersaSTUDIO BN-20 Series desktop printer/cutters, expanding the capabilities for Roland DGA’s more than 10,000 BN-20 users. It’s also offered in a 30″ x 75′ roll size for use with the company’s 30-inch and wider large-format printers. ESM-HOLO can be purchased at the Roland DGA online store.
To learn more about Holographic Prism Film (ESM-HOLO), visit